新京报讯(记者 杨畅)12月24日,恰逢一年一度的平安夜,“牛姐”玛丽亚·凯莉的“圣诞神曲”《All I Want For Christmas Is You》公布了一个全明星版MV,包括“水果姐”凯蒂·佩里、“A妹”...
4.Ihopeyouwillacceptmysincereapologies.希望您能接受我诚恳的道歉。 末段 1.I'mawfullysorryforthetroubleIhavecausedyou.实在对不起,给您添了麻烦。 2.IwouldliketoapologizefortheinconvenienceIhavecausedyou.对我给您造成的诸多不便,在此向您道歉。
03 All I want to do is zone out in front of the TV. ►zone out: 指让思想放空,对周遭事物浑然不觉。Zone是区域的意思,zone out相当于思想游离到另一个地方去了…… ▷At the end of...
1. I'd like to take tomorrow off if it's all right with you. 我明天想请假,可以吗? 还能这样说: I want to ask for a leave tomorrow, is it OK? Is it convenient for me to ask for a leave tomorrow? 2. May I have one day off?